Inland Hunting Properties - Property Owners - learn how to List your property with IHP  

Property Owners! Here is a collection of short videos to help you get the most out of your investment in your property and your partnership with IHP.

Who Hunts Through IHP?

Doctors, lawyers, business owners, police, even whole families get away from the country and city to hunt through IHP - Kerrie tells the story.

The Hunter Rating System Explained

The hunter rating system was introduced to protect all invested stakeholders - from the property owners, to the hunters, to the community, right through to the industry at large. It's simple - hunters earn the respect of property owners and then they're welcome back. All hunters are on probation for the first few visits, with every visit requiring a rating of 4 or 5 out of 5 from property owners. Kerrie explains more in this short video.

Is Your Property Suitable for Hunters?

Kerrie shares a quick video on whats required to list your property with IHP




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How to Book

Its easy! Just let us know what you want to do - where, and when, you want to go, and we'll organise the property and camping / accommodation for your next hunting adventure.
More info here


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Property Owners

We only match premium hunters to your property. All hunters are assessed and rated by our team, by you and other landowners. If a hunter does not match up, we do not provide a booking.
More info here


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We believe in the balance conservation hunting provides. Farm stock and native endangered species are in a continuous battle for survival against the feral animal plague that is crippeling Australia.