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Australian Deer Hunting Properties

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Women Hunting Deer in Australia

Deer Hunting in Australia

The Australian continent is home to many animals, including deer. There are six species of deer that are able to be sports hunted. These are fallow deer, red deer, sambar, chital, hog deer and rusa. Although deer have inhabited Australia for many years, the hunting of them needs to be regulated otherwise their numbers will decline.

The pastime of hunting in many civilisations has traditionally been for sport and for food. That tradition continues today, where is it acceptable to hunt animals that are not endangered. To avoid any species, including deer, to die out it is necessary for safeguards to be put in place. For this reason, to be able to hunt in Australia, you will need to obtain the relevant licences or permits, and observe the local rules and regulations.

While there is slightly more freedom when hunting on private land, where state land is involved, law enforcement and licensing are generally regulated a lot more strictly.


Deer Hunting Season

According to the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA), hunting in Australia is regulated separately by each state and territory government. This has lead to a variety of different regulations and laws as well as different fees, charges and licence requirements.

As a general principle, however, there are certain times of the year when you may not hunt deer. This is to allow them to breed and for their populations to multiply. You can consult a hunting service company for more information.

New South Wales allows the hunting of some deer during open season and the hunting of all other deer on private land and Crown land at any time throughout the year. The Northern Territory allows the hunting of feral animals on private land with the landowner’s permission, with a valid firearms licence. Sambar, rusa and chital deer are considered feral.

Deer Hunter by river


Deer Huning Property Owner


NSW Deer Hunting Properties

In Queensland all pest species may be hunted at any time of the year with the landowner’s permission and a weapons licence is required too. Species considered pests include red, chital, fallow and rusa deer. South Australia allows hunting of all introduced species at any time of the year – this includes all deer.

A game licence is required to hunt in Tasmania, including all deer. Victoria allows the hunting of many game species, including hog, red, sambar and fallow deer. And in Western Australia, only feral species may be hunted. Deer are not considered feral.


Hunting Regulations

There are regulations in Australia that hunters are required to observe. This is to regulate and manage the deer populations and also enforce safety.

Below are the applicable regulations.

When hunting deer – even with the relevant licence for the authority – you must observe the following:

  • No hi-tech devices, such as artificial lights and electronic devices.
  • No Baits.
  • No motorised transport, such as cars.
  • You must only hunt deer during the daytime.
  • No Drones.
  • Dogs with scent tracking skills are not allowed
  • It is not permitted to use a dog to chase deer for hunting.


Basically, it comes down to a fair hunt and hunting this majestic creature will bring the best of your abilities.

Click here to browse our full list of Deer Hunting Properties.

When you're ready to book your Deer Hunting Holiday - contact the girls at the home office on (02) 6559 9888 or contact them using the contact form.






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Its easy! Just let us know what you want to do - where, and when, you want to go, and we'll organise the property and camping / accommodation for your next hunting adventure.
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We only match premium hunters to your property. All hunters are assessed and rated by our team, by you and other landowners. If a hunter does not match up, we do not provide a booking.
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We believe in the balance conservation hunting provides. Farm stock and native endangered species are in a continuous battle for survival against the feral animal plague that is crippeling Australia.